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Filters: Author is Afef Sellami [Clear All Filters]
"Approximation by quantization of the filter process and applications to optimal stopping problems under partial observation",
Monte Carlo methods and Applications, vol. 11(1), pp. 57-81, 2005.
Download: Quantization filter process optimal stopping.pdf (345.93 KB)
"Méthodes de quantification optimale pour le filtrage et applications à la finance",
Applied mathematics: Université Paris Dauphine, 2005.
Download: PhD_AfefSELLAMI.pdf (1.35 MB)Introduction_Sellami.pdf (248.72 KB)
"Comparative survey on nonlinear filtering methods: the quantization and the particle filtering approaches",
Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, vol. 78, issue 2, pp. 93-113, 2008.
Convergence of multi-dimensional quantized SDE's,
, 2010.
Download: Pages_Sellami_Quantized_SDE.pdf (356.05 KB)
"Quantization based filtering method using first order approximation",
SIAM journal on numerical analysis, vol. 47, issue 6, pp. 4711-4734 , 2010.